Education Project
AFADU has worked with other groups to build a school next to Lirhanzo Childrens Village (LCV) that provides education for the children at LCV and the local community.
Together with grants from the Australian government to build housing for the teachers we have managed to help educate over 250 children from infant to primary level.
Our belief is that through education we can help our children to have a better chance in life

Solar Water Pump and Irrigation Project
AFADU has raised funds to establish a large community garden in conjunction with Mark Edmonds from Australia.
This allows LCV to grow crops that both provide a nutritional diet for our children with surplus produce being sold locally to raise funds to make the garden self sustaining
We continue to raise funds through GoFundMe and other donors to install a solar pump so that the costs of pumping water is reduced.
This will also allow us to run water to the school for hygiene purposes

Lirhanzo Childrens Village
We have built a village with capacity for 30+ children who arrive as orphans or from families that cannot care for them.
Our guardian mothers care, nurture and educate our children so that they have the chance to grow into responsible adults.
We have children that have now gone through to university and are able to contribute back to LCV